all postcodes in L13 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L13 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L13 6QA 52 9 53.41556 -2.914918
L13 6QD 36 1 53.419977 -2.915856
L13 6QE 27 4 53.417965 -2.915737
L13 6QF 23 0 53.420562 -2.91468
L13 6QH 30 0 53.420135 -2.915272
L13 6QJ 28 1 53.420213 -2.913288
L13 6QL 26 0 53.420023 -2.913374
L13 6QN 40 0 53.4219 -2.917101
L13 6QP 93 0 53.418215 -2.919429
L13 6QQ 35 9 53.420485 -2.914166
L13 6QR 38 0 53.418687 -2.917392
L13 6QS 31 0 53.419513 -2.917757
L13 6QT 45 0 53.41931 -2.91843
L13 6QU 48 0 53.41884 -2.921083
L13 6QW 30 0 53.421913 -2.91665
L13 6QX 17 0 53.418347 -2.917506
L13 6QY 18 0 53.417698 -2.920005
L13 6QZ 40 0 53.418076 -2.917591
L13 6RA 11 0 53.419156 -2.919826
L13 6RB 44 0 53.418574 -2.920626